The Path

In the time since I’ve been home I’ve been thinking of the incredible experience of our trip to Honduras with Dar a Luz Honduras and this picture sticks out to me as I feel it represents our time there so well! I set out on a path with an incredible group of women and we… Continue reading The Path

Thankful for Reflection

As I catch up on rest and let my mind process, I can't help but think how very grateful and thankful I am to have had this experience and to have such amazing friends and family. I reflect, our group continues to connect also reflecting on the time there, I think of all the mamas… Continue reading Thankful for Reflection

Last Day

The moments shared through soft smiles and a hand squeeze, The gentle encouragement and the physical work, The tears of sadness, and the tears of joy, The cuddles and congratulations and the connection that surpasses language, The last day is here are we have been as touched by these women and all the people here… Continue reading Last Day

Moving Through

Over half way in this week of service and the work has been a raw and beautiful gift with so many emotions. As the first few shifts are complete we work to find our feet. To learn how to support these incredible women. This is the hardest we have ever worked as doulas and our… Continue reading Moving Through

A Circle of Women

We come together as a group and embrace, together as a strong and incredible team and take a moment to be thankful for this incredible opportunity, for our safety and for this sisterhood! I don't think I could find the words to express exactly how much power those moments have had! These first few shifts… Continue reading A Circle of Women

Facing the Unknown

Travel day is done now with 3 different flights in 24 hours and a very cheerful landing in Tegucigalpa Airport! Sooo many bags! But we made it through with all of them to the hot and humid outside where we quickly asked for the A/C to be turned on in our transportation vehicle. Everything feels… Continue reading Facing the Unknown

Deep Breaths

Breathing, thinking, planning, wondering, letting go, Deep breaths! I sit here tonight looking at all the suitcases and my lists and trying to remember if I've remembered everything, but also reminding myself that really all that truly matters is that we show up, ready to work and care and help no matter how many suitcases… Continue reading Deep Breaths

Many Moments

Moments that lay ahead, Moments here and now, Moments from the past. Each moment carefully creating, Sculpting and guiding the path of life. The journey takes many twists and turns, And our power lies not in the control, But in the ability to let go & trust after all the details are in place. For… Continue reading Many Moments

Felt by the Heart

In two short weeks a group of 8 including myself will be on route to Dar a Luz Honduras. The work will be beautiful and challenging and intense. We will be in a Spanish speaking country, but we trust that the work we will do will transcend language and be felt for it will come… Continue reading Felt by the Heart

This Time Next Month

Woke up early this morning to sunshine that warmed my soul even though I longed for more sleep. I was really thankful for the warmth of the sun after this cold spring. Sunshine renews me, it makes me smile, and warms me all over. I'm thankful for it and I enjoy the heat. The sunshine… Continue reading This Time Next Month